Charlie Tyson was born in 1875, the son of Charles Tyson & Mary Gilliam. Charlie was married to Della Turner and had 8 children Clifford, Eugene, James, Spurgeon, Mary, Lona, Attrin, and Charles Jutt, they all lived in Caddo Parish around Myrtis. The story told to me by my family was that Charlie was a preacher, and on Feb 14, 1913 he was dragged out of his home and lynched on a nearby tree in the woods. I've heard two reasons why: one was that he was lynched over his land, and the other was that it was over a debt. Below are a few press clippings.
note from Earl Monroe:
I ran across this web site by Wayne Adcock who lived at one time in Ida, La., and later moved to Texarkana. The website provides some insight into lawlessness in Northwest La., and Southern Arkansas during the early 1900. Blacks and Whites were being terrorized by night riders for economic reasons. The web site describes numerous lynchings, and the burning down of a cotton gin in Rodessa to send the message not to sell cotton for less then 10 cent. The message to the brothers and sisters of Charlie Tyson by night riders were we want this land. Historians classify the murdered Charlie Tyson as an unknown, but reason is clear. Oil and Gas wells are pumping on the land to this day.
"cover up" story