Caddo Parish, LA

Succession of Robt B. Payne
Filed Dec. 14, 1858

To the Honorable the Judge of the 18th Judicial district of the state of Louisiana holding session in and for the parish of Cad.

The petition of John H. Payne a resident of said parish and state respectfully represents that Robert B. Payne formerly a resident of this parish has recently died intestate leaving some property in this parish which should be administered. Petitioner represents that he is the brother and the nearest relative of the deceased in the parish and as such is entitled to the administration.
Therefore he prays that due notice be given of the filing of this application by publication according to the law and that after the legal delay he be approved administrator of the succession of said Robert B. Payne, deceased. He prays that an order be granted and that a commission issue to any notary public of said parish to take an inventory of the property belonging to said succession and that an attorney for absent heirs be appointed and for general relief.
Crain & Null (???)

Let due notice be given of the filing of this application of publication in the South Western according to law and let a commission issue to any notary public of the parish an inventory of the property belonging to said succession of Rot B. Payne, decd and let WO Crain be appointed attorney for absent heirs.
Done and signed at office on this the 14 day of Dec AD 1858
NE Wright, Clerk

State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo
Succession of Robert B. Payne, decd.

I, Thomas H. Pitts, recorder and ex officio notary public in and for said parish and State.
You are hereby commissioned in the name and by the authority of the State of Louisiana and said parish to take an inventory and cause an appraisement to be made of all the property, rights, credits to said effects known or shown to you situated in said Parish and belonging to the estate of Robert B. Payne, deceased.
And due return make of your findings together with this commission as the law directs.
Given under my hand and seal of office this 8th day of September 1859
EH Pennall
Deputy Clerk
The State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo
We and each of us appointed to appraise the property, rights, credits and effects belonging to the succession of Robert B. Payne late of Caddo Parish, deceased do solemnly swear that in this acting we will act fairly and impartially and to the law of our ability so help us God.
TH Pitts
Sworn and subscribed S. Williams before me this nineteenth day of September AD 1859
TH Pitts

By virtue of the ???? commissioned out of the Honorable the District Court of the Parish of Caddo and to me the undersigned recorder and ex officio Notary Public ??? commanding me to take an inventory and cause and appraisement to be made of the property rights credits and effects belonging to the succession of Robert B. Payne deceased. And in obedience to said command I administered the requisite oath to Samuel W. Williams and Robert L. Pitts gooa dand competent appraisers who did appraise the following described property as follows to wit:

Baswell a man of black complexion aged about fifty years
appraised at seven hundred and fifty dollars 750.00

Nancy (the wife of Baswell) of black complexion aged about
fifty five years appraised at four hundred dollars 400.00

Billy or William a man of black complexion aged about
forty years appraised at one thousand dollars 1000.00

Susan a woman of black color aged about twenty five
and her two children to wit Charles a boy black color aged
about three years and James a boy or black color aged
about twelve months appraised at fifteen hundred and
fifty dollars 1550.00

Mariah a girl of black color aged about eighteen years
appraised at eight hundred dollars 800.00

Two feather beds appraised to twenty
five dollars 25.00

The above list comprises the property belonging to RB Payne deceased individually.
TH Pitts

Property held by the said Robert B. Payne in partnership with John H. Payne to wit:

Mule Jack of black color aged about nine years
appraised to one hundred fifty collars 75.00 his half

Mike a mule of brown color aged about
eight years appraised to
one hundred fifty dollars 75.00 his half

Mary a black mule of black color appraised to one
hundred and fifty dollars 75.00 his half

Jim a boy mule appraised to one hundred and
forty dollars 70.00 his half

Peter a black mule appraised to one hundred
dollars 50.00 his half

Fifty head of cattle more or less appraised to
five dollars per head 125.00 his half

One yoke of oxen appraised at fifty dollars 25.00 his half

One wagon appraised at fifty dollars 25.00 his half

The said Robert B. Payne’s one half interest in and
to the house and kitchen furniture
appraised at thirty seven dollars 50 cents 37.50

His interest in and to farming utensils 12.50

Fifty head of hogs more or less appraised at
two 50/100 per head. 62.50 his half

The plantation now being cultivated by the said Paynes
and lands adjoining in all three hundred and eighty
seven 40/100 acres and lands appraised to four 00/100
dollars per acre making the sum of seventeen hundred
and forty three and 30/100 871.65 his half

There being no further property pointed out to me I herewith close this inventory
amounting to the sum of Six Thousand and Twenty nine dollars and 15/100

This done and signed by the said appraisers in presence of the undersigned witnesses who sign with the parties and me notary on this nineteenth day of September AD 1859.
Samuel W. Williams
RL Pitts
Robt Lowe
MS Barlow

Thos H. Pitts
Recorder & Ex off not public


Individual property 4525.00
Partnership Property 1504.15
Total $6029.15


Succession of Robt B Payne
Filed Sept 23,1859
NE Wright, Clerk
Recorded in Book a of Inventory page 87

State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo
Know, all men on these presents, That we, John H. Payne as principal and Wm Browning as security: are held and firmly bound unto NE Wright, Clerk of the District Court in and for the Parish and State aforesaid, or his successor or successors in office, for the use and benefit of the heirs and legal representatives of Robt. B. Payne, deceased in the sum of Seven Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Three dollars and 43/100 for the payment whereof we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Dated at Shreveport this 25th day of September AB 1859. Whereas the above bound John H Payne has been appointed Administrator of the succession of RB Payne deceased: Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the said John H. Payne shall well and faithfully discharge and perform all the duties of administrator as aforesaid, according to law, then the above obligation to be null and void: otherwise to retain in full force and virtue.
John H. Payne
Wm Browning

State of Louisiana, I JH Kilpatrick of Parish of Caddo solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties and trusts and incumbent on my by law as Attorney for absent heirs of Robert Payne, decd. to the best of my abilities so help me God. JH Kilpatrick, Atty. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Jan 7, 1860 EH Pernall

Caddo Parish January 9, 1860
To NE Wright, Clerk Dist Clerk Caddo Parish La
I Hereby withdraw my application for the appointment of administrator of RB Payne, deceased and agree to the appointment of MS Barlow, Exqr, a citizen of this Parish and State.
Davis T. Richardson
Attest: TH Pitts
State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo
In 18th Judicial District Court
To Thomas S. Pitts, Recorder and ex Officio Notary Public in and for said Parish
Greeting: You are hereby commanded in the name and by the authority of the State of Louisiana and on said court to take an inventory and cause an appraisement to be made of the property rights credits and effects known or shown to you situated in the Parish of Caddo and belonging to the estate of Robert Payne, decde. and on return make of your proceedings together with this commission.
Given under my hand and seal of office this January 7th, AD 1860
SH Pennall
Deputy Clerk
State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo
We and each of us appointed to appraise the property rights credits and effects belonging to the succession of Robert B. Payne, deceased, do solemnly swear that ???????? will act fairly and impartially and to the best of our ability so help us God.
RVB Eddins
Sworn to and subscribed before me this January 9, 1860 TH Pitts

In the succession of Robert B. Payne, deceased, ?????the late residence of John H. Payne in the Parish of Caddo, state of Louisiana and about fifty miles from the town of Shreveport and after having administered the ????oath to Richard VB Eddins and Josiah Hale. good and lawful appraiser of Caddo who after having been duly sworn did appraise the following described property as follows to wit:

Baswell a man of black color aged about fifty four years ,
appraised at one thousand dollars 1000.00

Nancy a woman of black color aged about fifty six years
appraised at four hundred dollars 400.00

Billy a man of black complexions aged about forty eight
years appraised at twelve hundred dollars 1200.00

Mariah a girl of black colorage about nineteen years
appraised at five hundred dollars 500.00

Susan a woman of black color aged about twenty
four years and her two children, Charles aged about
three and James aged one year appraised at
eighteen hundred dollars 1800.00


Property received in common virtue with John H. Payne, deceased to wit:

One gin stand 75.00 37.50
One mill 75.00 37.50
Sixty head of hogs 120.00 60.00
Sixty head of cattle 300.00 150.00
Two yoke of oxen 75.00 37.50
70 bales of cotton 2520.00 1260.00
800 bushels of corn 600.00 300.00
2000 lbs fodder 20.00 10.00
600 pounds pork 480.00 240.00
One ox wagon 40.00 20.00
Mule Jack 125.00 62.50
Mule Mike 125.00 62.50
Mule Mary 125.00 62.50
Mule Jim 125.00 62.50
Mule Peter 125.00 62.50
Farming utensils 15.00 7.50
Household and kitchen 5.00 2.50

Slaves 4900.00
Personal Property 2462.50
Total $7362.50

There being no other property pointed out to me I close this inventory at Seven Thousand Three hundred and sixty two 50/100 dollars. This done and signed by the said appraisers together with JH Kilpatrick, attorney of absent heirs in the presence of the undersigned lawful witnesses that sign with them and me on this 9th day of January AD 1860.
RVB Eddins
Josiah Hale
JH Kilpatrick, atty for absent heirs
MS Barlow
SW Williams
Thos H. Pitts, recorder
The State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo
District Court

Evidence adduced by M.S. Barlow on his application to be appointed curator of the succession of Robert B. Payne, decd, viz:

(A) 2 notices taken from South Western newspaper of date, January 18th and 25th. On efiled to serve as a sample. A..H. Leonard being duly sworn says that the South Western is a public newspaper and published in the town of Shreveport parish of Caddo and that the newspaper dating 18th and 25th January 1860 AD contain notices of the application of DT Richardson to be appointed curator of the succession of said Robert B. Payne.

Withdrawal of DT Richardson filed and marked (B).

There being no further evidence addressed I here close this process on this the 11th day of January 1860 AD.
EH Pennall
Deputy Clerk


State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo
Know, all men, by these present, That we, Merritt S. Barlow as principal and Thos. H. Pitts and LM Nall as security, are held and firmly bound into NE Wright, Clerk of the District Court in and for the Parish and State aforesaid, or his successor or successors in office, for the use and benefit of the heirs and legal representatives of Robert B. Payne, deceased, in the sum of Nine Thousand Three hundred dollars, for the payment whereof we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Dated at Shreveport this 25th day of January AD 1860.
Whereas, the above bound, Merrett S. Barlow has been appointed curator of the succession of Robert B. Payne deceased. Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the said Merrett S. Barlow, shall well and faithfully discharge and perform all the duties of curator as aforesaid, according to law, then the aboe obligation to be null and void: otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
MS Barlow
Thos. H. Pitts
LM Nall
************************************************************************The State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo

I, Merrett G. Barlow solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties and trusts incumbent on my by law as curator of the succession of RB Payne to the best of my abilities and understanding so help me God. MS Barlow
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this January 25, 1860 AD
EH Pennall
Deputy Clerk
State of Louisiana
Parish of Caddo
Account of sale of the property of the estate of Robert B. Payne, deceased on the 23rd day of February 1860 by MS Barlow administrator of said estate to the highest bidder on a credit until the first day of January 1861.

(Note: all items listed before the subtotal of $1242.00 were purchased by DT Richardson, executor of the estate of John H. Payne, decd, who was a brother to Robert B. Payne. Items listed and their sales price was actually half of the actual price due to the estates being co mingled)

Gin Stand 75.00 37.50
Horse Mule 75.00 37.50
60 head of stock hogs 120.00 60.00
3 yoke oxen 75.00 37.50
50 head cattle 300.00 150.00
550 bushels corn 550.00 275.00
1400 lbs fodder 14.00 7.00
4000 lbs bacon 540.00 270.00
ox wagon 55.00 27.50
ox cart 4.00 2.00
Black mule Jack 150.00 75.00
Sorrel Mule 125.00 62.50
Black Mare Mule 155.00 67.50
Bay Horse Mule 155.00 67.50
Black Mule Peter 100.00 50.00
Lot Farming utensils 20.00 10.00
Side Table 3.25 1.87
Dining Table 1.00 .50
Safe 4.25 2.13
Dinner Pot 1.00 .50
3 Beef Hides 1.00 .50

Dictionary 1.00 DT Richardson
Milton Works .75 Jessee Denison (?)
Popes Works .75 ditto
Shakespeare 1.15 Robert Lowe
Goldsmith Works .75 DT Richardson
Bible 4.50 Robert Lowe
Hire of Boswell & Nancy to
lst Jan 1861 157.00 DT Richardson
ditto of Billy & Mariah 170.00 DT Richardson
ditto Susan & 2 children 65.50 DT Richardson

I hereby certify that the above and foregoing list is a true account of the sales made by me this day of the property of the estate of Robert B. Payne, deceased. also the hire of the negroes belonging to said estate, all of which was knocked down to the highest bidders.
MS Barlow, Adm.
Feb 25, 1860
Citation to MS Barlow
filed Nov. 20th 1866
SC Wright, Dep. Clerk

Succession of RB Payne to MS Barlow, Curator. You are hereby ordered in the name and by the authority of the State of Louisiana and our said Court, to file in the Clerk’s Office, in Shreveport, within ten day from the receipt hereof, a full and completely account of your administration of the affairs of the succession of RBI Payne, decd. showing all amounts, received or paid out by you and your vouchers thereof and in case the same is not a final account you will show cause if any you have, why any further time should be granted you. Witness the Honorable Jas. I Weems, Judge of said Court this 28 day of May AB 1866
AL Mershin, Clerk

Notation: The witness MS Barlow resides permantently out of the state of Louisiana.
TB Simpson, Sheriff
July 20th, 1866

submitted by Pauleta Davies - Payne descendant